Does Microblading Cause Hair Loss?

Microblading, also known as eyebrow embroidery, is a semi-permanent cosmetic procedure that implants pigment into the skin’s dermis layer to simulate the look of natural brow hairs and strokes.

During the procedure, a tattooing tool with fine needles inserts pigment below the skin’s surface in hair-like strokes. The cosmetic pigment settles around skin tissue and capillaries, resulting in a natural-looking brow shape that can last up to two years. Over time, some of the pigment fades as skin cells regenerate. For this reason, clients typically require occasional touch-up sessions to maintain the desired brow shape and color.

When performed by a properly trained and licensed professional, microblading offers a convenient alternative to eyebrow pencils, gels and other brow makeup for instantly framing one’s face with full, groomed-looking brows.

Can Microblading Cause Hair Loss?

No, microblading itself does not involve any removal of brow hairs and when performed properly by a professional, it will not cause brow hair loss. During the microblading procedure, the practitioner uses a fine needle cartridge to deposit pigment into the dermis layer of skin between the hair follicles. As long as the microblading artist follows standard sterile techniques and does not apply excessive pressure that damages hair follicles, the procedure itself poses no risk of hair removal or loss. In fact, microblading actually leaves existing brow hairs intact, and the pigment is implanted to mimic the appearance of hair. So by creating the illusion of fuller brows, microblading can potentially make thinning brows appear more dense and complete. If a client notices brow hair loss after microblading, it is likely due to another cause unrelated to the procedure itself, such as hormonal changes, nutritional deficiencies, underlying medical conditions or genetic predispositions.

In summary, when performed correctly by an experienced professional, microblading itself does not involve any techniques that would cause brow hair removal or loss now or in the future.

Possible Causes Of Hair Loss

1. Alopecia

Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disorder where the immune system mistakenly attacks hair follicles, causing hair loss on the scalp and brows. While stress can sometimes trigger alopecia, the disorder itself is not caused by microblading. If a client experiences hair loss after microblading that appears patchy and non-uniform, alopecia should be investigated as a possible cause.

2. Hormonal Changes

Changes in hormone levels, especially among women, can cause temporary brow thinning and hair loss. Conditions like thyroid issues, polycystic ovarian syndrome and perimenopause/menopause can lead to hair loss by impacting the hair growth cycle. Microblading does not directly cause or worsen these hormonal imbalances. But if a client notices diffuse brow hair shedding a few weeks after the procedure, hormones should be investigated.

3. Nutrient Deficiencies

Lack of certain vitamins and minerals can impact hair growth, strength and stability of brow hairs. Iron deficiency is a common cause of hair loss, as iron plays a key role in hair follicle function. Protein deficiencies and low levels of vitamins like B12, D and biotin have also been associated with hair loss. However, microblading does not deplete nutrient levels in the body. Clients with pre-existing deficiencies may lose brow hairs at a faster rate after the procedure simply due to their conditions.

4. Genetics

Some types of hair loss have a genetic basis, such as female/male pattern baldness and trichotillomania (compulsive hair pulling disorder). These conditions are caused by genetic mutations that impact the hair growth cycle and hormones involved in hair development. While stress can potentially trigger the onset of trichotillomania, microblading itself does not cause the underlying genetic predisposition. If a client has a family history of hair loss disorders, those genes – not the procedure – would be the primary risk factor.

5. Other Illnesses

Some illnesses ranging from lupus to thyroid disorders to skin conditions like seborrheic dermatitis can result in temporary or permanent hair loss. However, microblading does not cause these medical issues, nor does it lower the body’s resistance to existing conditions. If a client experiences hair loss after microblading, it is likely due to an undiagnosed illness that would likely have caused hair loss with or without the procedure.

In summary, while many factors beyond microblading itself can result in brow hair loss, clients experiencing loss of hairs after the procedure should first investigate possible external causes like nutrition, hormones, stress, medications and pre-existing medical conditions. Genetics also plays an important role in hair loss disorders.

Reducing Hair Loss Risks

While microblading itself does not cause hair loss, there are some precautions clients can take after the procedure to minimize potential risks.

First and foremost, allowing adequate time for your brows to heal fully is important. Most microblading professionals recommend avoiding any plucking, tweezing, threading or waxing of the brows for at least 4-6 weeks after the procedure to avoid trauma or irritation that could damage hair follicles.

During the initial healing phase, it is also essential to strictly follow your practitioner’s aftercare instructions. This may involve avoiding skincare products, makeup and harsh scrubbing around the brows for 1-2 weeks. Harsh cleansing can prematurely remove the semi-permanent pigment and irritate sensitive skin as it heals, potentially impacting hair follicles as well.

Once full healing has occurred, typically 1-2 months after microblading, avoid being overly aggressive with brow grooming techniques. Continued plucking, waxing and harsh threading can place stress on hair follicles over time, potentially leading to permanent hair loss. Look for alternative options for keeping brows in shape that are less traumatic, like using brow razors and trimmers.

In addition, leading a healthy lifestyle with a nutritious whole-food diet and managing stress levels can help promote optimal hair follicle health. This reduces risks of nutrient deficiencies and hormone disruptions that could exacerbate hair loss. If you have a medical condition like an autoimmune disorder, keep it well managed with your doctor’s recommended treatment plan.

Finally, consider using vitamins and supplements that have been shown to support hair growth after microblading. These may include biotin, vitamins D and E, zinc, iron and L-lysine. But always speak with your doctor first before starting any supplements, especially if you’re on medications.

By allowing sufficient healing time, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and reducing trauma to brows post-procedure, clients can minimize potential risks of microblading causing or exacerbating hair loss over time. With proper care, microbladed brows should remain lush and full for many years.

In conclusion, microblading itself is a generally safe cosmetic procedure that does not directly cause permanent hair loss when performed correctly. The microblading technique involves depositing pigment between hair follicles and does not involve removing or damaging existing brow hairs. However, like any medical or cosmetic procedure, there are still potential side effects and risks to consider. While rare, allergic reactions, irritation and inflammation during the healing process could potentially lead to temporary brow hair shedding. Choosing a reputable and experienced microblading technician who follows proper sterilization procedures and uses quality pigments that are suitable for your skin type can help minimize these side effects and risks.

Following the aftercare instructions and avoiding trauma to the brows during the initial healing phase is also important to promote healthy hair follicle recovery. With proper precautions and care, microblading provides clients with fuller, more youthful-looking brows for years without noticeable hair loss.

However, if you do notice hair loss after microblading, it is advisable to speak with your microblading practitioner or healthcare provider to rule out other underlying causes and determine appropriate next steps.

When performed correctly by an experienced professional, microblading remains a low risk, convenient method for enhancing brow appearance without the likelihood of long-term hair loss.


1. Will microblading remove existing brow hairs?

No, microblading itself will not remove or damage existing brow hairs when performed properly. The microblading technique involves depositing pigment between hair follicles, leaving existing hairs intact.

2. How soon after microblading can I resume plucking my brows?

You should avoid plucking, tweezing or waxing your brows for at least 4-6 weeks after microblading to allow the treated area to fully heal and avoid trauma that could damage hair follicles. Speak with your technician for their specific aftercare recommendations.

3. What should I do if I notice hair loss after microblading?

If you notice hair loss after microblading, speak with your technician first to rule out any possible complications from the procedure. The hair loss is likely due to another factor. You may also want to consult your healthcare provider to investigate potential causes like nutritional deficiencies, hormonal imbalances or autoimmune conditions.

4. How can I promote brow hair regrowth?

To promote brow hair regrowth, focus on a healthy lifestyle with a nutritious diet, manage stress, and speak with your doctor about any underlying conditions. Supplements like biotin, vitamins D, E and zinc may help when used under a physician’s supervision. Avoid overly aggressive brow grooming techniques that could damage hair follicles.

5. Is microblading permanent?

Microblading is considered a semi-permanent procedure since the pigment fades over time. Most clients need a touch-up treatment every 1 to 3 years to maintain the desired brow shape and color as their skin regenerates.

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