Can You Laminate Microbladed Brows?

For those looking to achieve the fullest, most lifelike brows possible, combining brow lamination with microblading can transform one’s entire face. When performed correctly by an experienced professional, laminating microbladed brows soon after the strokes heal fully can enhance the upward direction, fluffiness and volume they create. While this pairing carries some complexities, when done skillfully by an expert who understands both techniques, the results can deliver truly gorgeous brows.

Timing Lamination With Microblading

The key to successfully combining brow lamination with existing microbladed brows is allowing adequate time for the pigment strokes to fully heal before undergoing lamination. This usually means scheduling the brow lift treatment either a few days before or at least 6-8 weeks after the microblading procedure.

By waiting the full 6-8 week healing cycle, the microbladed pigment has time to set firmly within the skin and scabbing/flaking has fully resolved. This reduces the risk of the lamination solution or rods accidentally disturbing freshly implanted pigment or new skin cells covering the strokes. Any disruption during these early healing stages could blur or lighten areas of the microblading.

Ideally, patients should receive brow lamination either:

Before microblading – Some prefer having their brow hairs lifted, trained and tamed into place via lamination beforehand to reveal any sparse spots that should be targeted with extra stroke density during microblading. Thissequence maximizes the technician’s ability to pack microbladed pigmentinto any remaining gaps visible once the brows are lifted.

However, lamination effects only last 6-8 weeks. So if longer than that until the microblading appointment, the hairs will begin to revert to their natural position. This could impact how the strokes are mapped.

After microblading full healing – Waiting the full 6-8 week healing cycle ensures no risk of disrupting the recently implanted pigment. Once fully settled, the microbladed strokes provide a “base layer” of fullness and definition for the lifted hairs to build upon. This creates a more advanced illusion of dimension and thickness within the brow.

The lamination can also be used later on in the microblading lifespan between touch-upappointments, when fading pigment could benefit from lifted hairs to prolongthe illusion of volume for another 3-6 months.

In summary, patients should strongly consider scheduling brow lamination either shortly before or – preferably – well after microblading to minimize risks and maximize benefits. A full 6-8 week healing cycle allows the pigment to integrate fully with the skin before undergoing the lifting and repositioning involved in lamination. When performed by an expert familiar with both techniques, the combined result can produce truly dramatic transformations.

Impact of Brow Lamination on Existing Microbladed Brows

When performed at least 6-8 weeks after a client’s microbladed brows have fully healed,brow lamination poses very little risk to the pigment strokes themselves.The reason is that by this point in time, the strokes have fully integrated within the skin and settled into their final appearance.

The actual lamination process also does not physically come into contact with the pigment strokes. The solution and lifting rods are applied solely to the client’s existing natural brow hairs to reposition and train them into an upward direction. This altered angle and increased lift of the natural brow hairs is what creates the illusion of fuller, fluffier brows.

Because microbladed brows still depend on some natural hair remaining within the treatment area,these lifted and repositioned hairs can actually complement and enhance the cosmetic pigment strokes in multiple ways:

  • Greater volume – By training existing natural brow hairs upward and outward, the lifted hairs create a “fluffy” base that makes the entire brow appear slightly fuller and rounder. This additional inherent volume amplifies the appearance of the microbladed strokes’ density and dimension.
  • Lean & lift – The more elevated angle at which the natural brow hairsgrow post-lamination follows a similar upward trajectory as the microbladedstrokes themselves. This synchronicity and cohesion improves how believablythe two “hair types” blend together.
  • Simulated dimension – As natural hairs are lifted and fanned outwards inmultiple directions, they create the illusion of more hairwithin the brow.This multidimensional texture mimics how real eyebrowhairs grow,further contributing to the believability of the microbladed results.
  • Longevity boost – By enhancing and extending the fullness provided by existingmicrobladed strokes, maintaining lifted natural hairsbetween touch-ups can lengthen how long pigment alonecan satisfy the client.This effectively prolongs the lifespan of the initial microblading investment.

In summary, when performed correctly by an expert, laminating eyebrows that have already healed fully following a microblading procedure poses minimal risk to the implanted pigment strokes themselves. However, the straightened and lifted natural hairs that lamination creates can legitimately improve multiple elements of the existing microbladed brow shape, helping clients derive even greater aesthetic value from their initial investment.

How Brow Lamination Works with Microbladed Brows

The process of laminating microbladed brows primarily focuses on enhancing the client’s existing natural eyebrow hairs rather than the microbladed strokes themselves. This involves three basic steps:

Prepare brows – First, the stylist cleans and conditions the client’s natural brow hairs. Any microbladed strokes present are left untouched.

Apply solution – A lifting agent is then applied using a small bottle applicator. This solution loosens and separates the bonds within the hair’s cortex, allowing the hairs to be repositioned and trained into a straighter direction.

For clients with microbladed brows, only the existing natural hairs growing within and between the pigment strokes are coated with the solution. The strokes remain unaffected.

Clamp and lift – Next, plastic rods are placed underneath the brows and secured with a thin clamp. As the solution sets within 20-30 minutes, these rods lift and reposition the brows upwards and outwards into their desired shape.

Once the solution dries and the rods are removed, the client’s natural brow hairs are left retrained into a straighter and elevated position that complements the overall look created by the microbladed strokes.

The stylist will shape any lifted but excess hairs with tweezers or razors to further curate how the two “brow types” – lifted natural hairs and microbladed strokes – blend seamlessly together. The goal is harmonizing the angle, direction and fulness provided by both elements to transform the client’s entire brow area.

At this point, clients are left with microbladed brows that have been made to look measurably fuller, fluffier and more dimensional thanks to their laminated natural brow hairs, which enhance the brow shape in exactly the same areas the pigment strokes alone aimed to mimic and create.

Things to Consider When Laminating Microbladed Brows

For clients considering brow lamination following existing microbladed brows, several factors must be weighed:

  • Need for precise shaping – While lifting agents and rods pose little risk to microbladed strokes,precise trimming of any excess lifted hairs during styling is crucial.Technicians must scrupulously avoid accidentally shaving pigmentstrokes to maintain the correct brow shape.
  • Lamination’s short longevity– While microblading results can last 1-3 years,lamination’seffects wear off after just 6-8 weeks as hairscortexes re-bond.This mismatch meansclients must schedulefrequent laminations toalignedwith microbladed brow touch-ups for maximumeffect.
    Maintenance ishigh.
  • Additional cost – Not only is each lamination treatment itself roughly $50-$150,clients must repeat it every 6-8 weeks and potentially more often between microblading touch-ups.This introduces considerablecumulative expense to achieve the full blending benefit.
  • Less dramatic results – While laminating microbladed brows certainly enhances them, the impact may be subtler and less transformative alone. Combining both techniques magnifies their individual benefits multiplicatively.
  • Technique requirements – Truly maximizing lamination’s potential to complement microbladed brows dependsheavily onthe stylist’s skill at workingaroundimplantedpigmentstrokeswhile lifting and styling natural hairs. Anexperttouch is imperative.
  • Brow growth considerations – As microbladed strokes periodically fade and natural brow hairs continuegrowing,coordinatinghow much additional pigment or lifted hair is neededat each touch-upcomplicatesthe processover time.
  • Compatibility concerns – Some clients report the combination never looks completely seamlessto them, preferringsimpler fully microbladed or laminated browsalone.Individual preferences vary.

In summary, while laminating microbladed brows can dramatically improve their fullness, Believability and longevity when performed skillfully, clients must consider lifestyle fit, cost tolerances, technique sensitivities and personal preferences to determine if the pairing provides a true value add for their particular brows and aesthetic goals. Nothing replaces thorough discussion with an expert stylist.

In conclusion, while laminating existing microbladed brows requires careful planning, timing and technique to minimize risks, the rewards for those seeking truly breathtaking, natural-looking eyebrows can be transformational when performed skillfully by an expert.

With proper education, clients can determine if this pairing truly aligns with their lifestyle, maintenance tolerances and aesthetic goals. But when done correctly, combining these two semi-permanent techniques represents one of the most powerful ways to fully realize one’s ideal brow shape.


1. How long after microblading can I laminate my brows?

You should wait at least 6-8 weeks after microblading to allow strokes to fully heal.

2. Can laminating brows damage microbladed strokes?

No, as long as the microblading has healed for 6-8 weeks. The solution and rods only impact natural hairs.

3. How often should I laminate microbladed brows?

Every 6-8 weeks to align with lamination’s lifetime and microblading touch-ups (1-2 years).

4. Does brow lift diminish microbladed brows?

No, when done properly after healing, lamination can enhance microbladed brows by training natural hairs to complement strokes.

5. Will laminated brows still fade like microbladed ones?

Only the microbladed strokes fade. Lifted hairs will loose lifespan (6-8 weeks) regardless.

6. Can laminated brows make microbladed ones appear thicker?

Yes! By lifting and training natural hairs upward, the fullness they create enhances pigment strokes’ perceived dimension.

7. How long do laminated brows with microbladed ones last?

Laminated hairs last 6-8 weeks but microbladed strokes typically 1-3 years. Regular lamination aligns the 2.

8. Does brow lift improve microbladed brows?

When done correctly by an expert, lamination can significantly enhance the definition, fullness and believability of microbladed brows.

9. Is laminating microbladed brows safe if fully healed?

Yes, as long as the microblading has healed for 6-8 weeks before lamination, there is minimal risk.

10. What if laminated brows grow out before next microblading?

Natural hairs growing back to normal can diminish perceived fullness of strokes until next lamination aligns with touch-up.

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