How To Sleep After Microblading?

How you sleep in the immediate days and weeks after your microblading procedure can have a big impact on the longevity and success of your results. While getting a good night’s sleep is essential for healing, sleeping in certain positions can unintentionally disrupt your newly microbladed brows.

Side sleeping and putting pressure on freshly tattooed eyebrows is never recommended right after microblading, as it can rub pigment against pillows and sheets, potentially causing premature fading. Instead, the best way to sleep after your eyebrows are tattooed is on your back with minimal pressure or tugging on your brows.

In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about sleeping comfortably and properly on your back after microblading. We’ll discuss how long you should avoid side sleeping, tips for adjusting to back sleeping if that’s not your norm, and answers to common questions about sleeping positions and facial sleep masks.

So if you’re wondering “How to sleep after microblading?” the simple answer is: sleep on your back for at least the first 3 to 5 days, and ideally up to 2 weeks. With the right adjustments and aids, back sleeping can be just as comfortable and restful as your usual position, all while supporting optimal healing and results for your newly microbladed brows.

Let’s dive into the details of pain-free sleeping on your back after microblading.

Why Is It Important To Sleep On Your Back After Microblading?

Sleeping on your back after microblading, especially in the crucial first days and week of healing, is important for several reasons:

  • Avoiding friction – Side sleeping can cause your brows to rub against your pillowcase and sheets, which can gradually remove pigment over time. Even a small amount of nightly friction can lead to premature fading.
  • Preventing tugging – Resting your face and brows on your pillow while side sleeping can exert gentle but relentless tension on your healing skin. This tugging can dislodge pigment that has not yet fully bonded to your dermis.
  • Reducing pressure – Any type of pressure on your brows, whether from a pillow, mattress, or your own body weight, should be minimized while your skin heals and pigment settles. Back sleeping removes this pressure.
  • Supporting adhesion – The first 2 weeks after microblading are critical for proper pigment adhesion and integration into your skin. Back sleeping allows your brows to heal undisturbed during this time.
  • Maximizing results – Small adjustments like sleeping on your back for a few nights up to 2 weeks can make a meaningful difference in the longevity of your results and pigment retention. With proper aftercare and avoiding side sleeping, you’ll extend the time between needed touch-ups.

In summary, back sleeping for at least 3 to 5 days and up to 2 weeks after your microblading procedure minimizes friction, tugging, pressure and disruption of healing skin. This undisturbed healing environment is ideal for achieving the best possible results from your brow tattoo.

So resist the temptation to sleep in your usual position right away, and instead adopt back sleeping for at least a short period. The payoff will be noticeably better-healed, longer-lasting brows.

How To Sleep On Your Back Comfortably?

Sleeping on your back after years of side sleeping can feel awkward and uncomfortable at first. But there are ways to adjust your sleeping environment and setup to make back sleeping at night just as restful and pain-free.

Try these tips for getting a good night’s sleep on your back after microblading:

  • Use an extra pillow – Place an additional pillow under your knees and lower back for support and stabilization. This mimics the alignment you get from side sleeping.
  • Pillows along your sides – Place pillows along both sides of your body to keep you from unconsciously rolling onto your side during the night. This can provide peace of mind.
  • Invest in an ergonomic pillow – If regular pillows leave gaps, consider an ergonomic pillow designed specifically for back sleeping. These conform to your body and neck for optimal alignment.
  • Adjust the temperature – Since you’re not using blankets tucked under your side, you may feel more exposed. Turn up the heat slightly or use light blankets to avoid getting too warm but still feel cozy.
  • Opt for comforters over quilts – Thick, puffy quilts can feel suffocating and restrictive when back sleeping. Softer, breathable comforters allow for easier moving and adjusting.
  • Experiment with different pillow heights – Try placing your main pillow under your head at varying heights to find the position that supports your neck without strain. Start higher and adjust lower as needed.
  • Use relaxation techniques – Before bed, meditate, take a warm bath, or use deep breathing and muscle relaxation exercises to calm your mind and body. This can promote natural melatonin release and restful sleep.
  • Consider melatonin – If you struggle to fall asleep on your back, a small dose of melatonin can help reset your sleep cycle and make back sleeping more feasible in the short term.

With a bit of trial and error, you can dial in a back sleeping setup that provides optimal comfort and support while also avoiding pressure and friction on your healing brows. The most important thing is to resist the urge to roll onto your side, even if you have to use extra pillows to stabilize your body position.

With these adjustments and aids, back sleeping after microblading can soon start to feel just as comfortable and natural as your usual position – if not more so for your newly tattooed brows.

What Are The Risks Of Sleeping On Your Side Or Stomach After Microblading?

While side or stomach sleeping may feel more comfortable, there are risks involved for your newly microbladed brows:

  • More friction – Your brows will rub against your pillowcase more, sometimes hundreds of times a night. This repeated friction can gradually wear away pigment over time, resulting in premature fading.
  • Increased tugging – The weight of your head pulling down on the pillow puts tension on healing skin and can dislodge pigment that is not fully set. This tugging action occurs all night while side sleeping.
  • Extra pressure – The pressure of your body and face pressing into the pillow for hours applies continuous stress to freshly tattooed brows. This pressure is completely avoided with back sleeping.
  • Disrupted healing – The crucial first 1-2 weeks after microblading are when pigment fully integrates into your dermis. Any interruptions to this healing process, like side sleeping, can reduce pigment uptake and retention.
  • Faster fading – Even small disruptions to the first critical week of healing from side sleeping can shorten the time between needed touch-ups due to increased fading.
  • Potential damage – In rare cases, excess friction, pressure and tugging from side sleeping immediately after microblading can lift or rub out pigment entirely, damaging results.

For these reasons, it’s strongly recommended to avoid side or stomach sleeping for at least the first 3 to 5 days – and ideally up to 2 weeks – after your microblading procedure. Back sleeping provides an undisturbed environment for optimal healing and pigment bonding during this important phase.

So resist the urge to sleep in your usual position right after microblading. Using the tips covered in this guide, you can adjust your bedding, pillows and sleep aids to make back sleeping completely comfortable and restful – all while protecting your investment in your newly microbladed brows.

While the idea of sleeping on your back after years of side sleeping may seem uncomfortable or impossible, making this simple change for even a few nights up to two weeks after your microblading procedure can have a significant impact on your results. By avoiding friction, pressure and tugging on healing brows, back sleeping supports optimal conditions for pigment bonding and longer-term retention.

With the right adjustments to your environment and sleeping aids, back sleeping can soon feel just as restful and natural as your usual position – all while protecting your investment in your newly microbladed brows.


1. How long should I avoid side sleeping?

Avoid side sleeping for 3 to 5 days minimum. Ideally, back sleep for 2 full weeks after microblading for best results.

2. Can I wear a silk eye mask after microblading?

Yes, as long as the silk eye mask does not apply pressure to your eyebrows or pull on healing skin. Avoid foam or fabric eye masks.

3. Are there pillows for back sleeping with brow microblading?

An ergonomic pillow designed specifically for back sleeping can help support your neck and conform to your body, minimizing gaps and pressure points that can tug on brows.

4. Can stomach sleeping damage microbladed brows?

Yes, stomach sleeping should be avoided for 2 weeks after microblading to minimize tension and pressure that can disrupt healing and lift pigment.

5. How long should I avoid my weighted blanket?

You should avoid weighted blankets for at least 2 weeks after microblading to prevent excessive pressure on brows that can cause pigment loss during the critical healing period.

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