Why Does Microblading Disappear During Healing?

Microblading is a semi-permanent cosmetic enhancement procedure that implants pigment into the dermal layer of the skin with tiny razor-like blades to create the illusion of fuller brows. During the procedure, a tool with mini blade inserts deposits pigment below the skin’s surface in hair-like strokes that resemble individual hairs. As the skin heals, the pigment settles around tissue and capillaries, resulting in natural-looking brow strokes.

However, in the first 1-2 weeks after the procedure, the epidermis – the top layer of skin – begins to regenerate and may temporarily form a “healing veil” that hides some of the pigment. As this new epidermal layer matures and old skin cells are shed, the microblading strokes typically become visible again.

Why Does Microblading Disappear During Healing?

Around 7 to 14 days after microblading, you may notice the procedure strokes start to fade or even temporarily disappear. This is normal and happens as part of the brow’s healing process.

During microblading, the pigment is implanted into the dermis layer of skin, but the epidermis – the top layer of skin – remains intact. After the procedure, the body goes through phases of wound healing to repair the epidermis.

Within a few days, a new thin epidermal layer begins to form over the treated area. As this layer regenerates and new skin cells emerge, it can create a “healing veil” that hides some of the pigment underneath. The procedure strokes may look significantly faded as this veil of new skin covers them.

In addition, as the epidermis heals, old skin cells on the surface naturally shed. When these old skin cells flake off around 1 to 2 weeks after microblading, they can carry some of the pigment with them, further removing ink from the strokes and darkening them.

This simultaneous flaking or shedding of old skin cells and formation of new epidermal layers causes much of the pigment loss and fading that clients observe in the first 7 to 14 days. Once this initial phase of heavy skin regeneration ends – typically after about 2 weeks – the new epidermal layer will stabilize and mature. At this point, the pigment strokes typically become more visible and prominent again.

As the skin continues to heal over the next month, any microblading strokes that faded significantly during the initial epidermis regeneration may darken slightly as pigment settles deeper into the dermis. However, some clients do require a light touch-up at the 1 to 2 week mark to correct for excessive loss of pigment.

In summary, the temporary fading, flaking and disappearance of microblading strokes that occurs within the first two weeks of the healing process is completely normal and expected as the epidermis regenerates. With time and proper aftercare, the pigment strokes will typically become evident and long-lasting once again.

How Microblading Healing Works?

The microblading healing process begins immediately after the procedure and goes through several stages over the next few weeks. Understanding how your brows will heal can prepare you for what to expect and help reduce any concerns during this period.

1. Wound healing

Right after microblading, your brows enter the wound healing phase. Your body’s immune and repair systems kick into action to clean the treated area and repair damaged skin tissue. This involves narrowing blood vessels to control bleeding, releasing chemicals to destroy bacteria and promoting new cell growth.

2. Inflammation

For the first 2-3 days, your brows will be red, swollen and inflamed as your immune system responds to the “wound” from microblading. Applying an antibiotic ointment can help soothe inflammation during this stage.

3. Scab formation

As new skin cells multiply and migrate to cover the treated area, scabs will form over the pigment strokes within 3-5 days. The scabs protect the brows and trap moisture to aid healing. They will start to flake off after around 1 week.

4. New epidermis

Under the scabs, a new layer of epidermis is developing that will eventually cover and protect the pigment. As this layer regenerates, it can temporarily form a “healing veil” that hides some of the pigment strokes.

5. Shedding of old skin

When scabs and flakes of the old epidermis come off around 1-2 weeks post-microblading, they may carry some pigment with them, lightening the strokes. This allows the ink to settle into the dermis.

6. Pigment settling

Over the following weeks, the remaining pigment grains continue migrating deeper into the dermis. The strokes will typically darken and sharpen as pigment settles into place.

7. Epidermis maturity

As the new epidermal layer fully develops and matures by around 4 weeks after microblading, it will stabilize and become semi-transparent, revealing the pigment strokes beneath.

In summary, the microblading healing process progresses through distinct phases as your body repairs skin tissue and renews the epidermis layer over pigment strokes. With time and proper care, pigment will settle into the dermis and become long-lasting beneath the new skin layer.

Reducing Veil Effect

During the initial healing phase after microblading, strict adherence to the practitioner’s aftercare instructions can help minimize skin issues like irritation, inflammation and excessive flaking that contribute to the “veiling” of pigment strokes.

Avoiding skincare products, creams and makeup – especially those with alcohol or fragrance – keeps chemicals from disrupting the fragile, regenerating epidermis. Harsh cleansing and exfoliants also damage healing skin tissue and irritate open wounds.

Using an antibiotic ointment as directed during the first 3-5 days assists in fighting bacteria, reducing redness and soothing inflammation that occurs as a natural part of the healing response. This promotes a faster recovery time and less scabbing.

Once scabs begin to form, keeping them moist is key to minimizing flaking, peeling and loss of pigment that occurs when dead skin layers detach from the brows. Applying a thin layer of ointment and avoiding excessively rubbing or picking at the brows helps keep scabs supple.

As skin regenerates, maintaining a healthy lifestyle with a nutritious diet and managing stress supports optimal healing and reduces risks of excessive shedding of epidermal layers that hide pigment strokes. Staying hydrated also promotes healing.

While time is needed for the new epidermal layer to fully mature, a light touch-up procedure 1-2 weeks after the initial microblading can correct for any significant loss of pigment or fading of strokes due to the “veiling effect”. Retouching grounds the pigment in place beneath the regenerated skin layer.

In some cases, microneedling the brows shortly after microblading may speed up epidermal maturation by stimulating more collagen and elastin production. However, this should only be done under the guidance of your microblading professional.

In summary, following your practitioner’s strict aftercare protocol, keeping scabs hydrated, supporting your body’s natural healing processes and seeking a touch-up or microneedling treatment (if advised) can help reduce – though not eliminate – the temporary veiling of microbladed brows during the regeneration of the epidermis.

The temporary fading of microbladed brows during the initial healing phase is normal and expected as the epidermis regenerates. While nothing can stop this epidermal veil effect completely, following strict aftercare instructions, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and seeking a touch-up if needed can help minimize pigment loss. With time, the epidermis will mature and stabilize, allowing the pigment strokes to become visible and long-lasting beneath the new skin layer.


1. How long does the healing veil last?

The epidermal veil effect typically peaks around 7-14 days after microblading as the new skin layer regenerates most rapidly during this period. By 4 weeks after the procedure, the epidermis has usually matured enough for pigment strokes to be visible again.

2. What causes the microblading to peel?

Peeling and flaking of the new epidermis causes most of the temporary fading during healing. The regrowth and shedding of skin cells, along with the formation of a protective scab layer, contribute to the loss of pigment from strokes.

3. Can the strokes disappear completely?

While strokes can appear significantly faded during the healing veil phase, they typically do not disappear altogether. However, a touch-up 1-2 weeks after microblading can address any significant loss of pigment or poorly defined strokes.

4. Will a touch up fix the fading?

A light touch-up 1-2 weeks post-microblading can re-deposit pigment into areas where strokes have faded during healing. This helps re-ground the ink beneath the maturing epidermis and produce well-defined results as brows continue to heal.

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