Does Laser Hair Removal Affect Tattoos

Laser hair removal is a popular method for permanent hair reduction. However, if you have tattoos, laser hair removal treatment can potentially cause damage to your tattoos. The laser emits light energy which is absorbed by the pigment in the hair follicles and destroys them to prevent hair growth. Since the laser cannot distinguish between the hair follicle pigment and the tattoo ink, it may end up affecting your tattoo as well.

How Does Laser Hair Removal Work?

Laser hair removal works by emitting concentrated light beams of a specific wavelength to target the pigment in hair follicles, called melanin. The light is absorbed by the melanin which generates heat and destroys the hair follicles to inhibit further hair growth. The laser targets hair in the active growth phase. Since tattoos also contain pigments, the laser may damage the tattoo ink as well.

What Happens If The Laser Touches The Tattoo?

If the laser comes in contact with your tattoo during the treatment, it can potentially damage the tattoo. The laser heats up the area it’s directed on, and it cannot differentiate between the hair follicle pigment and the tattoo ink. The heat may cause the tattoo ink to scatter, fade, or get ruined. The severity of the damage depends on factors like the type of laser used, treatment settings, skin type, and tattoo colour. Permanent tattoos with dark ink colours like black and blue are more prone to damage from lasers.

How To Protect Tattoos During Laser Hair Removal?

There are a few ways to protect your tattoos during laser hair removal treatment:

  1. Cover small tattoos with adhesive bandages. For larger tattoos, ensure there is sufficient space between the laser pulses and the tattoo.
  2. Apply a cold compress like an ice pack to the tattoo before and after the treatment to minimise heat damage.
  3. Use a lower laser intensity for the areas close to the tattoo. The technician can adjust the settings based on your skin type and sensitivity.
  4. Consider electrolysis for permanent hair removal on tattooed areas. Electrolysis uses electric current to destroy hair follicles and does not damage tattoos. However, electrolysis typically requires more treatments and time.
  5. Avoid laser hair removal over tattoos if possible. The only way to fully prevent laser damage to tattoos is to not perform the treatment over the tattooed area. You can consider alternative options like shaving, waxing or hair removal creams for those areas.

How to Permanently Remove Hair from Tattoos?

Shaving, waxing, and tweezing are temporary options but electrolysis is the only permanent solution for hair removal on tattoos. Electrolysis uses electric current to destroy hair follicles without damaging the tattoo ink. Although electrolysis requires more treatments to complete, it is a safe and effective option if you want permanent hair removal over your tattoos.

How Do Tattoos Heal After Laser Removal?

Laser removal of tattoos causes damage to the skin that takes time to heal. Typically, redness, swelling, and tenderness subside within 1-2 days. Blisters appear within 24 hours and may last up to a week. Scabs, bruising, and peeling skin are also common during the healing process. The damaged area remains sensitive for a few weeks. Complete healing and fading of the tattoo can take 3 to 6 weeks between treatments. Proper aftercare and avoiding sun exposure speeds up the healing process.

In summary, laser hair removal can potentially cause damage and fading to tattoos. The best way to protect your tattoos is to avoid laser treatment over the tattooed area and consider alternative options like electrolysis for permanent hair removal on tattoos. Take necessary precautions if laser treatment cannot be avoided. Tattoo removal with lasers causes temporary damage to skin that requires a healing period between treatments.

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