Can You Safely Have Laser Hair Removal While Pregnant?

If you’re pregnant and dealing with unwanted hair, you may be wondering if laser hair removal is safe. While this treatment has become more popular in recent years, it’s important to understand the potential risks involved when it comes to pregnancy.

Is Laser Hair Removal Safe During Pregnancy?

Can You Do Laser Hair Removal While Pregnant?

The short answer is no. Laser hair removal and electrolysis are not considered safe during pregnancy. The main concern is the risk of the laser energy or electric current being absorbed by the fetus, potentially causing harm.

Additionally, hormonal changes during pregnancy can affect the effectiveness of the treatment, and the pain level may also be higher due to increased sensitivity.

Compromised Treatment Results

Pregnancy hormones can interfere with the normal hair growth cycle and may impact the effectiveness of laser hair removal. Normally, laser hair removal treatments are timed to target hair follicles during the active anagen growth phase. However, excess hair growth is common during pregnancy due to hormones, and the hair growth cycle can become irregular.

This means that laser hair removal during pregnancy may be done when hair follicles are in the wrong stage of growth, reducing the long-term results. Most doctors recommend waiting until after pregnancy and hair growth has returned to normal before continuing laser hair removal treatments.

What Are the Alternatives?

If you’re pregnant and looking to remove unwanted hair, there are still plenty of safe options available. Here are a few to consider:

  • Shaving: While it may not be the most long-lasting option, shaving is a safe and easy way to remove unwanted hair during pregnancy.
  • Plucking: If you’re dealing with a few stray hairs, plucking them out with tweezers is a safe and effective option.
  • Waxing: Many women find that waxing is a convenient way to keep unwanted hair at bay during pregnancy. Just make sure to choose a reputable salon and communicate with your technician about your pregnancy.
  • Threading: Threading is another safe and effective option for removing unwanted hair during pregnancy. This technique involves using a thread to remove hair from the root.

It’s important to note that hair removal creams and depilatory products are not recommended during pregnancy as the chemicals used in these products may be harmful to the fetus.

When Can You Start Laser Hair Removal After Pregnancy?

If you’re interested in laser hair removal, it’s best to wait until after you’ve given birth to start treatment. Your body will need time to heal and recover from childbirth, and it’s important to avoid any unnecessary risks during this time.

Once you’re postpartum, you can work with your doctor to determine when it’s safe to start laser hair removal treatments back up. Typically, doctors recommend waiting at least six months after giving birth before starting any laser treatments.


In summary, while laser hair removal is considered very safe under normal circumstances, the effects on pregnancy are not fully known. As such, laser hair removal treatments are not recommended during pregnancy due to the potential risks to the developing fetus and reduced treatment results. The ideal approach is to avoid laser hair removal from the time of a positive pregnancy test until after delivery and the resumption of normal hair growth. The risks to the baby, no matter how small, are simply not worth it. Speak with your doctor for their recommendation based on your unique situation

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